Who We Are

About Payne Ranch


Our Mission

Our mission is to provide high quality meat at the utmost consistency and convenience to our customers.

Our Animals

Payne Ranch specializes in grass finished steers. By "grass finished," we mean that our steers remain in the pasture until their processing date. These steers are born, bred, and raised on the Payne Ranch in Saint Jo, Texas. They spend their early life nursing their mothers and grazing with the herd in the pasture. Upon weaning, they subsist almost entirely on grass from our pastures.

Our Pastures

Payne Ranch is situated in the fork of the Grand Prairie and Cross Timbers regions of Texas. The entire property is divided into multiple pastures to ensure proper grazing through our rotation system. Payne Ranch also has three native hayfields, from which we produce most of our hay for winter. These fields do not require aerial spraying and boast several rare species of native forbs.

Shooting Star
Big Bluestem

Big Bluestem
(Andropogon Gerardii)

Shooting Star
(Primula Meadia)

Little Bluestem

(Sorghastrum Nutans)

Little Bluestem
(Schizachyrium Scoparium)

White Tridens

Panicum Virgatum)

White Tridens
(Tridens Albescens)

Sideoats Grama
Buffalo Grass

Sideoats Grama
(Bouteloua Curtipendula)

Buffalo Grass
(Bouteloua Dactyloides)

Hairy Grama

Hairy Grama
(Bouteloua Hirsuta)

Old Chisholm Trail

Our History

The ranch has been in the Payne family for over one hundred years and is divided into four divisions within Cooke and Montague counties. The main headquarters division is located on the Old Chisholm Trail which ran through the town of Saint Jo, Texas, formally known as Head of Elm. Over the years, we have run a cow/calf operation. In recent years, Red Angus cattle have been our stock of choice. The ranch continues to operate in this way. All steer calves are grass fed and grass finished and are available for sale by private treaty. We believe that the land and resources are a gift from God and should be gratefully enjoyed

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